Turkish holiday - Kurban Bayramı

Festival of Sacrifice In Turkey, bayrams are very important times. In terms of the emphasis put on the bayrams, you can compare them with the Christmas in Christian countries. However, their content and the way they are celebrated have some important differences from Christmas. In this article, I will try to give all the fundamental information you will need in order to understand what the Kurban Bayrami is all about and I will help you go through this four-day festival proving your Turkish friends how well you know their culture. We will start with covering the basics of this bayram, its origin and meaning. Then we will cover some customs common to both Kurban Bayrami and Ramazan Bayrami. The Turkish phrases you will need for the bayram and their meanings will be covered under this topic. After that, we will see the customs that are specific to the Kurban Bayrami. Basics - How did it Start? Bayrams are religious holidays, so their roots are in the religion, Islam. According to ...